How much is Guy Tang’s net worth in 2025 by Forbes? Here the most reliable blog for celebrities’ net worth presents you with everything you want to know about Guy Tang, his entire biography, Age, Personal life Weight, Height, Career, zodiac sign, Age, Wikipedia, awards, brother, and wife.
And answer all your questions like: how old is he? Is he still alive? Where is he in 2025? How old is he? How tall is he? Is he single, married, or divorced? What is Guy Tang Net worth in 2025, according to Forbes? And more answers to all your unanswered questions with lots of interesting facts you will never want to miss about him.
Net Worth | $1 million |
Full Name | Guy Tang |
Birth Date | July 26, 1981 |
Birth Place | Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States |
Profession | Hairstylist, Television star |
Height | N/A |
Weight | N/A |
Last Updated | 2025 |
How much is Guy Tang Net Worth in 2025 by Forbes?
According to our research, we found out that the famous Asian-American Hairstylist, and Television star “Guy Tang” has an estimated net worth of $1 Million as of the 2025 update.
Who is Guy Tang?
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Guy Tang is one of the most celebrated Asian-American hairstylists, and YouTuber. He is best known for appearing on the new Netflix show ‘Bling Empire. He has over 2.2 million followers on Instagram. He is currently worth $1 Million as of the recent update.
How did Guy Tang make his money?
The famous Asian-American YouTuber, popularly, and Professionally called “Guy Tang” has multiple sources of income that enable him to skyrocket his net worth to over $1 million as of the 2025 update. He earns most of his money from his professional career (as a Hairstylist, YouTuber, and Television star), and his other businesses.
Biography of Guy Tang
The famous Asian-American YouTuber “Guy Tang” was born on the 26th of July 1981 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States. He’s best known for appearing on the new Netflix show ‘Bling Empire. He currently has over 2.2 Million followers on Instagram and is worth $1 Million as of the recent update.
Guy Tang Net Worth in Last 5 years
Net Worth in 2025 | $1 Million |
Net Worth in 2021 | $800 Thousands |
Net Worth in 2020 | $700 Thousands |
Net Worth in 2019 | $600 Thousands |
Net Worth in 2018 | $500 Thousands |
Watch his recent interview
- He was born on July 26, 1981, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States.
- He currently has an estimated net worth of $1 Million as of the 2025 update.
- Guy Tang is best known for appearing on the new Netflix show ‘Bling Empire.
- He’s an up-and-coming musician with many singles and EPs on Spotify.
- He’s openly gay and is happily married to his husband, Almar Guevarra.
- He belongs to mixed ethnicity as he has Vietnamese and Chinese heritage.
- He started using social media, like Instagram and YouTube, to share both his techniques and personal struggles as a gay man.
Guy Tang is ahair color artist, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and owner of the hair product company Guy Tang Beauty. He has over 2 million followers on social media, and is known for his innovative hair color creations. He has also been featured in magazines such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Allure.
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